Identity Crisis- Week 6: Keeping Your Identity in Christ February 24-28
Once you claim to be a Christian and know what it means to follow Jesus, how do you maintain that identity? How do we prevent deconstructing our faith to the point that we walk away from Christ, as others have? When we cease to believe what we once believed and are trying to figure out where we stand, it is part of the current issue of identity. Paul and others give us a series of commands and exhortations to help us continue our walk with Christ and be stable and steadfast in the faith.
Put It into Practice: When we have a negative or sinful thought this week, interrogate it: Who sent you? Why are you here? Find a truth in Scripture to declare and overcome it.
Day 1 Colossians 3:1-11
Reflect: What does it mean to “put on the new self” in Christ? How does finding your identity in Christ impact your response to daily temptations? How do you manage your thought life?
Apply: How can setting your mind on things above transform your daily life and protect your identity? In what areas do you still need to “put off” the old self and “put on” the new self?
Pray: Lord, keep my mind focused on the “things above” today. Give me an eternal view in my priorities and attitude as I seek after what is good and pleasing to You.
Day 2 Colossians 3:12-17
Reflect: How do these virtues here affect our relationships within the body of Christ? How are you doing at letting the word of Christ dwell richly in you? Rate yourself on God’s love scale.
Apply: How does your treatment of others reflect both your true identity and theirs? Are there areas where you struggled to live for the name of Christ? How can you improve?
Pray: Jesus, I reach into the closet of the gospel for these garments of grace. I’m not called to fix anyone, but to love everyone as You love me. Grant me Your humility and gentleness as I see with Your eyes and seek to extend Your grace.
Day 3 Hebrews 3:12-19
Reflect: How are you doing at hearing God’s voice? At responding when you do? What kinds of experiences have caused your heart to begin to harden or diminish your trust in God?
Apply: Who is your biggest encourager in the faith? Through whom do you hear God most? How has God used you to help someone overcome unbelief or disobedience? What resulted?
Pray: Father, open my eyes to the dangers of the hardened heart and to the importance of actively listening to Your voice each day. Guard me against spiritual complacency and may I never grow weary in my pursuit of You.
Day 4 Hebrews 6:1-12; 2 Timothy 4:9-11
Reflect: What is the main point of the Hebrews text? How does the imagery in verses 7-8 speak to the potential danger of apostasy? How does this text encourage perseverance in faith?
Apply: How would you describe spiritual maturity? How does maturity impact a person’s identity? Who do you know that has walked away from Christ? What was their reason?
Pray: Help me to move beyond the basics and to grow in Christ, actively living out my faith in every aspect of my life. As a testament to Your love and grace, may I be found faithful in fulfilling Your purpose.
Day 5 Hebrews 10:23-25
Reflect: Reflect on the importance of community and worship in maintaining a person’s faith. How can you deepen your commitment to the church and engage more fully in worship?
Apply: What role does the church community play in helping us maintain our Christian identity? In what ways can corporate worship and spiritual songs reinforce your identity in Christ?
Pray: Jesus, let none of us fall into the trap of becoming isolated in our Christian walk. Underscore the importance of meeting together for sound teaching and mutual encouragement to grow in faith and love as witnesses for You!