Week 2: Hearing God’s Affirmation November 4-7

God speaks to us in various ways to affirm our identity as His beloved children. By learning to listen to His voice, we can counter the negative labels and lies of the world, embracing our true worth and purpose in Christ. God also warns against listening to negative voices that undermine our identity in Christ. Instead, we should embrace the truth that we are loved, accepted, and valued by God. Just as God affirmed Jesus’ identity at His baptism, He affirms ours as His beloved children. We can live out our true identity in Christ by listening to God’s voice and rejecting negative labels.


Day 1       Mark 1:1-11

Reflect: How was John’s identity affirmed? How did he view and live out his identity? Why do you think Father God spoke those specific words to Jesus? Were they meant just for Him?

Apply:   What is the makeup of your identity?roles contribute to your identity? How do you choose the words to define yourself?words has God spoken to you? 

Pray:     Father, help me look through Your lens of love and grace, seeing myself as You see me, as Your beloved child, whom You love and with whom You are pleased.


Day 2      Psalm 139:13-16

Reflect: What do you think inspired David to pen these words? How do they speak to our identity and value? How does knowing God created each of us impact how we view ourselves?

Apply:    How has God’s value of humanity shaped your identity? When was the last time you praised God for creating you? How are these words speaking to you right now? 

Pray:    Reflect on your unique qualities– personality traits, talents, even quirks. Ask God about how He uses, or wants to use these in His purpose for your life?


Day 3      2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Reflect: How do you understand verse 16? What is the issue with a worldly or human point of view? What does a believer’s identity in Christ mean?this where your identity is rooted?

Apply: What is dangerous about finding your identity in something that can change? What negative voices have impacted the way you view your identity? How did you overcome it?

Pray:    Father, thank You that I am no longer defined by what I’ve done but by what Jesus has done for me. Help me to joyfully walk in that freedom today!


Day 4     1 Peter 2:9-12 

Reflect: How does this text describe the identity of Jesus’ followers? What are the implicationsthese descriptions? How does walking in this identity impact others? How does it impact others when you don’t?

Apply:  How does being chosen by God make you feel? Why do we need encouragement to live godly lives among non-Christians? What needs to change for you to live a godly life?

Pray:    Jesus, enable me, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to be a good and faithful witness for You. May You be glorified and exalted in all I say and do.


Day 5     Galatians 4:1-7

Reflect: Why is this a helpful and vivid analogy? Of the positions being contrasted, what are the benefits of one and the limitations of the other? What do you think is Paul’s main point? 

Apply: In what ways do you act like a slave who is afraid of God instead of a child assured of the Father’s love? What benefits have you experienced from being a child and heir? 

Pray:  Father God, we praise You for our adoption as Your children. Help me to live with love, worship and enjoyment of You so that others will want to know You as their Father.


Put it into Practice

This week, ask God specific questions and listen to His response. You can ask Him what He thinks about you, what He likes best about you, or what His nickname is for you.