Week 2 Rise Up…Above All Excuses October 7-11

Moses went from being the guy with all the excuses to the guy who courageously obeyed. There’s always an excuse not to invest in the Kingdom of God or the next generation. God wants your faithfulness, not your excuses. Conventional thinking is that God has a plan for my life. Kingdom thinking is offering your life for God’s plan. Rather than focusing on our sufficiency or insufficiency, God calls us to focus on His sufficiency. Live by the power of the Holy Spirit, not your human limitations.


Day 1       Exodus 2:11-25 

Reflect: How does Moses’ journey from being a prince of Egypt to a shepherd in Midian relate to identity and purpose? How do his experiences in both places shape his future?

Apply: How does the story of Moses inspire you to act justly and courageously? How has the Lord used both your good and bad experiences to fulfill a calling on your life?

Pray:     Father, help me to trust You in every area of my life, especially during seasons of doubt and discouragement. I praise You, the God who sees, hears, remembers and knows.


Day 2       Exodus 3:1-22 

Reflect: Why do you think God chose to appear to Moses in a burning bush? What do you learn about God from this text? What concerns were behind each of Moses’ questions? 

Apply: How do you identify with Moses’ fear and uncertainty? When has God called you to speak specific words to someone? What made you hesitant to do so? What resulted? 

Pray:    Father, I pray that my ears be open and my heart ready to obey Your voice and follow Your calling on my life. Help me to die to my own self-will and to know that Your grace is sufficient for all that You have called me to do.


Day 3      Exodus 4:1-23 

Reflect: How does God respond to Moses’ doubts? Are his doubts valid? What do you learn about God’s character? Why do you think God chose Moses despite his hesitations?  

Apply:  What are some of your excuses and what ifs in response to God? When have you responded to God as Moses did in verse 13? What helps you obey God?

Pray:     Father, unless I am led of You, and speak the words You instruct, I will be ineffective in my work for You. I trust You to fulfill the work that You have prepared for me to do. 


Day 4       Jeremiah 1:4-10 

Reflect: What do the reactions of Jeremiah teach us about human response to God’s calling? What reassurances does God give him to overcome his fear and doubt? Do they speak to you?  

Apply:    What aspects of Jeremiah’s call speak to you the most? Why? What is God’s call for you in this season? How can you apply God’s assurance to Jeremiah in your everyday life?  

Pray:      Lord, Your promises to Jeremiah stood fast throughout his lifetime, just as they do for Your people today. Thank You that You are my Defense and my Deliverer, throughout time and eternity.


Day 5       Luke 9:57-62

Reflect: How do the excuses made by the men reflect common attitudes toward spiritual matters today? What might be the costs of not saying yes to all the ways that Jesus calls?   

Apply:   How is Jesus calling you personally to step out of your comfort zone? What steps do you need to take to surrender your comfort and walk in faith and obedience to follow Him? 

Pray:      Jesus, help me to see the things in my life that have not been yielded and surrendered to Your Lordship. Give me courage to follow You. Now. Completely. No excuses. No looking back. 


Put It Into Practice!


Week 2:  Pray Through the Mission and Vision of Anderson Hills Church.

Mission of AHC: We exist to glorify God and produce fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who transform the world.

Vision of AHC: By the Power of the Holy Spirit, we will be a rooted, community church who excels in reaching young families with kids and teens.