Week 1 Rise Up: For Such a Time as This. September 30—October 4

Esther left the comfort and safety of the palace to save her fellow Israelites. She did not allow the culture to undermine her faith and she risked her life in the unfolding of God’s plan of redemption. God continually calls us out of our comfort zone into the faith zone. For over 200 years, generations of faithful followers have continually risen up to serve Jesus and spread the gospel. Now it’s our time! Ask God how He wants to build His Kingdom through you. 


Day 1      Esther 1:1-2:23

Reflect: How would you describe King Xerxes, Mordecai, and Esther from this text? What do you think was going through Mordecai’s mind about this situation? What about Esther?   

Apply: When have you found yourself in a situation that you didn’t expect, wondering how you got there? What was God up to? What resulted? How can the experience help someone else?

Pray:     Heavenly Father, thank You that there is no problem that is too difficult for You, for You are the God of the impossible. I praise You, Lord, that You are fully in control!


Day 2      Esther 3:1-4:17 

Reflect: What does Haman represent in the story? What stands out to you about Mordecai’s faith in regards to Haman? In verses 4:12-14? In what ways did Esther express her faith?    

Apply:   How have Mordecai’s words to Esther applied to you? Do they now? What role does prayer play in your faith? How do you show your willingness and readiness to do God’s will? 

Pray:    Father God, thank You for the example of Queen Esther who was prepared to stand up for what is good and righteous, even in the face of danger. Help us to do what is righteous in Your eyes and to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.


Day 3       Esther 5:1-6:14 

Reflect: How does Esther exemplify courage and wisdom in approaching King Xerxes? How does this text demonstrate God’s providential care? Describe how faith in God trumps evil. 

Apply:    In what ways is the timing of events significant in this text? How have you seen God’s divine intervention and providence? How can you apply it in your own decision-making? 

Pray:      Heavenly Father, thank You for the important reminder found in Esther, that we should never compromise our faith, but stand fast in the face of evil. Thank You that when I fail and find myself overwhelmed, Your grace is sufficient for me.


Day 4      Esther 7:1-8:17 

Reflect: How do you think Esther felt during her banquet knowing she was about to reveal her secret? How did her and Mordecai’s faith and obedience impact future generations?

Apply:   Like Esther and Mordecai, how can you use your influence to bring positive change in your community? How may God want to build His Kingdom through you? Will you say yes?

Pray:      Lord, I pray for an eternal perspective at all times, even when things go badly. Fill me with a joyful expectation as I wait upon You.


Day 5     2 Timothy 1:3-12

Reflect: How would you summarize what Paul is saying to Timothy? How and why was he calling Timothy to get our of his comfort zone to serve the Lord? What verses speak loudly to you?

Apply:   Who has encouraged you to rise up and serve the Lord? When have you encouraged someone to do the same? Why might someone be ashamed to tell others about Jesus? 

Pray:    Heavenly Father, thank You that You called me for a holy calling, according to Your purpose and great grace which You granted me in Christ Jesus for all eternity. Thank You that You saved me and called me by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.


Put It Into Practice!


 Week 1: Preparation of Hearts—Praise/Adoration, Repentance

Read:  Adoration/Praise Psalm 150:1-6, Praise Revelation 4:11,  Adoration Psalm 100:1-5,  Personal Repentance 1 John 1:9, Corporate Repentance 2 Chronicles 7:14.