United Series, Week 3: Keep Calm and Carry On – September 9-13

How we respond to others when we feel we have been wronged reveals our heart condition. Some common responses include expressing anger, seeking retaliation and holding grudges. While understandable, these are not the behaviors Jesus would encourage. He spoke of and modeled the importance of being peacemakers and peacekeepers. King David once found himself in a tense situation involving Nabal, a selfish, foolish man who made the mistake of offending the king. God used Nabal’s wife, Abigail, to prevent David from taking justice into his own hands. If we will let Him, God will help us in difficult situations so that the result is peace, not division.  


Day 1       1 Samuel 25:1-22

Reflect: What reasons would you cite for David’s reaction to Nabal’s response? What do Abigail’s actions demonstrate about her character and faith? Did she sin by taking food to David? 

Apply:   What emotions tend to rise up within you when you are treated unfairly? Think of a time in your life when you wanted to seek revenge. How did you overcome that feeling? 

Pray:    Father, when faced with unfair treatment, protect my heart. Replace any anger or resentment with Your wisdom and peace. Provide Your strength and patience to deal with the situation in a manner that reflects Your love and righteousness.


Day 2       1 Samuel 25:23-42

Reflect: What points does Abigail make in her speech to David? What are some possible reasons that Abigail stepped in? What more do you learn about her? About David? God?

Apply:   When have you been the one to intervene in a potentially explosive situation? What resulted? Who has helped you remain calm when wronged or offended? What resulted?

Pray:     God, when I am tempted to do something vengeful or rash out of anger, help me to avoid sinning against You and causing hurt to others. Give me wisdom and power to move away from chaos to peace and to be a peacemaker.


Day 3      Proverbs 15:1-4

Reflect: What truths speak loudest to you? How do these proverbs pertain to David, Nabal, and Abigail? What comfort and/or conviction do you get from verse 3? 

Apply:   How have you personally experienced these truths, both positively and negatively? How have your words brought life to a person or situation? Crushed someone’s spirit?

Pray:     Holy Spirit, in angry and hostile situations, fill me with Your love to be a gracious, redeeming influence rather than a hothead whose words and actions destroy relationships.


Day 4      Romans 12:14-21 

Reflect: What is the Lord highlighting for you? Why is verse18 such a difficult mission? Why is loving like Jesus a prerequisite for living in harmony with others? How loving are you?

Apply:   With whom have you agreed to disagree recently? How would you describe those relationships? How has remembering that God loves your “enemy” helped you bless them?  

Pray:     Lord, keep me from trying to avenge any wrongs done to me. May my words and my actions bring honor to You and bless others. 


Day 5       James 3:13-18

Reflect: What are the two kinds of wisdom and what results from each? What would you say are the two main dispositions at odds here? Do you see glimpses of Nabal and Abigail? 

Apply: What most dominates your actions, humility or selfishness? Contentment or jealousy? Peace or strife? What stands in your way of being a peacemaker and peacekeeper?  

Pray:    Father, help me to walk in spirit and in truth. Give me wisdom and understanding, so that by my attitude and actions, I may walk in Your ways, depending on You, pleasing You and honoring You. 


Put It Into Practice!

Week 3:  Keep Calm and Carry On

Think about your hot buttons, the topics or circumstances that cause you to overreact in a negative way. Ask the Lord to help you determine what is the true root of the issue. Is it fear? Jealousy? Pride? People pleasing? Lack of control? What is robbing you from experiencing peace and responding with love?