United Series, Week 1: Loving When It’s Complicated – August 26-30

As Christians, our love for each other is to be unconditional and unwavering no matter what. In Scripture, we find a person who comes from a very different background, yet models this kind of love for someone who really should have been his enemy. Jonathan’s friendship with David is the epitome of how to “love one another” when it’s complicated. Jealousy or hatred could have easily marked their relationship, but instead, we see Jonathan’s devotion to God outdo his desire for position or power. We see a friendship marked by service and the interests of others, not self.  We need to reflect on what needs to change in our hearts to enable us to love others in this way; to love like Jesus loves.   


Day 1      1 Samuel 18:1-4 

Reflect: What kind of pact did Jonathan make with David? For David, he gave up his royal garments and weapons. What can we learn from Jonathan’s act of selflessness and surrender? 

Apply:    Why should Jonathan and David have not been friends? When and why has someone given you what was rightfully theirs? Have you relinquished something to another person?

Pray:     Father, teach me about the importance of selfless love, loyalty and sacrifice in my friendships with others, as well as the profound impact of Your sovereignty in our lives.


Day 2     1 Samuel 19:1-10

Reflect: How does Jonathan’s intervention reflect his loyalty and friendship? What are reasons for Saul and David’s relationship issues? Why doesn’t Jonathan feel the same as Saul?

Apply:   How does their friendship challenge your understanding of loyalty? When and how have you helped in reuniting two people? Do you struggle with jealousy? How does it hinder us?

Pray:      Lord, bless my friendships with opportunities for growth. May we support each other, challenge one another, and walk together in love and understanding.


Day 3      1 Samuel 20:1-42; 23:15-18  

Reflect: Why does David bow three times before Jonathan? What is the significance of David and Jonathan’s covenant? How does it reflect their relationship and trust in God? 

Apply:    How have you seen God use friendships to bring you closer to Himself? How can you apply the lessons of the friendship of David and Jonathan in your own relationships? 

Pray:      Father, in the midst of life’s challenges, raise up a Jonathan to strengthen my trust in You. Equip me with a shepherd’s heart to strengthen those who are in need, weak, distressed, and weary.


Day 4      John 17:20-26

Reflect: What is Jesus asking of the Father and why? What needs to happen for this prayer to be answered? How does this text apply to what you read about Saul, Jonathan and David? 

Apply:  What would you say are the primary reasons that believers are not united in Christ? How would the words of Jesus in verses 24-26 help to unify Christians and impact the world?

Pray:    Father, the world longs to see Your remarkable love through Christians. It’s the absence of love that makes people turn away from our doors, uninterested and disappointed. Lord, teach us to love one another. 


Day 5      1 John 4:7–12

Reflect: How are love and unity related? What is the proper order of love and why is it often not  accepted and fruitful in our lives? Why is love often complicated? 

Apply:   What are your primary struggles with receiving the fullness of God’s love and extending it?  Which of your relationships are complicated? What can help you to uncomplicate them? 

Pray:     Loving Father, I can only love others well out of Your love. Pour Your love into my heart so that the love of Jesus streams out of me as rivers of His living water. I pray that through me, Your love would bless those around me.


Put It Into Practice!

Week 1:  Loving When It’s Complicated

Make an honest list of the things that prevent you from unconditionally loving others. Things like jealousy, anger, unforgiveness, competitiveness, prejudice, hurts, etc. Take the list to the throne of grace and ask God to help you cross things off that list.