The King’s People May 6-10
Jesus’ selects twelve common men—not men trained by religious elites, not scribes or Pharisees. With His chosen followers, Jesus also shows us something about the reign of God—it’s communal. Jesus calls individuals to Himself but also brings them into community with each other. The King’s people could more appropriately be known as the King’s servants. Servants of Christ voluntarily set aside their own rights in order to love, serve, and obey the will of God in Christ Jesus. Servants of Christ die to sin and fleshly desires, allowing Christ’s life to flow through them. To be a servant of Christ is to seek His will in all things.
Day 1 Mark 2:13-17
Reflect: Why do you think Jesus chose Matthew? Describe the people Jesus hung out with. Why were they more prone to follow Him than the religious sector?
Apply: Describe yourself when you said “yes” to Jesus as your King? How has Jesus healed you? How do you experience fellowship and friendship with Jesus?
Pray: Lord Jesus, without Your grace, I know I would be lost. Use me to help others find their way to Your grace.
Day 2 Mark 3:13-21
Reflect: For what purpose did Jesus appoint the twelve men? What do you learn about the disciples? Why is there more information about some of them than others?
Apply: What do you desire in a friend? What did Jesus desire in His companions? What might His disciples have thought about the reaction of Jesus’ family toward Him?
Pray: Jesus, You call us as Your disciples to come and choose to follow You. Thank You for calling us into a new family in Christ, a family of everlasting love that spans the globe and reaches down through the ages.
Day 3 Mark 3:31-35
Reflect: What does the crowd sitting around Jesus signify? On what was His family missing out? How and why does following Jesus put people at odds with their nuclear family?
Apply: Do you have friends who are closer to you than family members? Is there someone to whom God may be calling you to be a brother or sister, a father or mother? Reach out!
Pray: Pray for the people in the family of God who have stepped in and supported you. Let them know how thankful you are to be in God’s family together.
Day 4 Mark 8:34-38
Reflect: By following Jesus, what do we need to give up? What won’t we experience? Describe what it means to “take up your cross”? Define ashamed (verse 38).
Apply: In what ways have you denied yourself and taken up your cross in following Christ? Describe a time when you felt embarrassed to be a Christ follower. What resulted?
Pray: Lord, help me have an unflinching loyalty to You no matter the cost, to take up my cross and willfully and joyfully follow the life, character, and way of Jesus.
Day 5 Hebrews 10:23–25
Reflect: How might this text relate to Jesus calling His closest three disciples, as well as the twelve? Why is a rich web of relationships so important in the Kingdom?
Apply: What kinds of friendships have you developed due to a shared devotion for Jesus? What does it mean to be a Christian friend? Who is your biggest spiritual encourager?
Pray: Father God, let none of us become isolated in our Christian walk, but to actively seek opportunities to meet with other Christians for mutual encouragement and to motivate one another toward godly love and good works. Help us grow in grace, wisdom and knowledge of You, enjoying godly fellowship and sound teaching.
Put It Into Practice!
Pray for those you struggle to love, seeking humility and a servant-heart to love as Jesus does. Ask Him to show you a new way to see them, to be with them, to honor them.