“Don’t Judge!” July 17-21

Like so many sayings we hear today, this is often taken completely out of context to fit an agenda. This is often said by people
exhibiting behavior that the Bible identifies as sin because they want to justify themselves. This is also said because we live in an
age of moral relativism that rejects the Bible as the foundation of truth. When Jesus said, “Do not judge, or you too will be
judged,” He was not teaching that we abandon our mind or reasoning capability in discerning the behavior of others. We are to
make judgments based on the truth of God’s Word, not our opinions or the latest narrative of political correctness. We are to
humbly and carefully exercise judgment with the objectiveness of the Word, instead of the subjectiveness of our opinions.


Day 1      Matthew 7:1-5
Reflect: How and why does Jesus’ teaching about judging get twisted? What does verse 5 imply? How would you define a
hypocrite? How do you think people become hypocritical?
Apply:    When was the first time you remember being judged? How did it make you feel? How is criticizing others a mask for
your own insecurities, jealousy, or envy?
Pray:       Jesus, forgive me for unrighteous judgment and for being unfairly critical in my assessment of others. I ask for Your
wisdom and discernment to judge between that which is good and that which is sin. Keep me walking humbly before You.


Day 2      Romans 2:1-11
Reflect:  What is the difference between our judgment and God’s judgment? On what basis will God render His judgments? How
could our judgment of others affect their repentance?
Apply:    What situations in your life do you feel the most judged? When are you most judgmental of others? Are you holding
other people (or yourself) to an unrealistic standard?
Pray:      Father, forgive me for pointing a finger of accusation at the sins of other people, while hiding behind my own smug,
self-righteous pride. Thank You that by Your grace I am saved by faith in Christ. Use me to touch lives with love and not


Day 3      John 7:24;    1 Samuel 16:7
Reflect: What truths about judging others do you learn from these two verses? Why is this an important message for the church?
What kind of damages can false judgments produce?
Apply:    Describe a time when you judged someone superficially. What resulted? When have you been judged based on
outward appearances? Why do you think it is so easy to do?
Pray:      God, may I heed this warning to not rely on outward appearances, since You alone know each heart. Please give me
eyes to see myself and others as Jesus does.


Day 4     Galatians 6:1-6
Reflect: What is the main message of this text? What type of relationship would be necessary for this kind of restoration to
occur? What kind of judging is needed?
Apply:    When has someone restored you in this manner? How did it feel? Are there people you need to help gently restore?
What is your next step for coming alongside them?
Pray:       Lord, may I love others in the same way that Christ loved me and gave Himself for me. Without hypercritical
judgment, but with a spirit of gentleness and love, let my dealings with my brothers and sisters honor You.


Day 5      1 Corinthians 5:9-13
Reflect: How should a believer act towards people in the world? People in the church? What does this text imply about judging?
On what basis are we to be in relationship with others?
Apply:   When have you been tempted to or held a non-Christian to Christian standards? Do you have standards for others that
you struggle to meet yourself?

Pray:      Father, You have called us to judge those inside the church, not outside of it. We ask for wisdom in matters of
discipline and for the loving spirit of the Savior Himself.


Put It Into Practice!
Week 3: “Don’t Judge!”
For you: Give permission to a trusted friend to lovingly show you your sin, to help you see your blind spots, and to speak with
brutal honesty and tender compassion, telling you the truth about yourself even when you don’t want to hear it. And ask God to
help you repent.
For others: Pray before, during and after you feel the nudge to speak truth in love to someone. Remember that doing so helps
others see how sin blocks having a vibrant relationship with God. Neglecting this aspect of Christian community indicates a
greater desire for others’ approval than for their spiritual flourishing.