Rights with Friends June 26-30

God created us for fellowship with Him and with others. We need each other to care for, grow, learn, and love. God uses friendship as an instrument of sanctification, so it is important for Christians to carefully choose their friends. Friendship is powerful for wisdom, and our choice of friends will shape our character. Wise relationships are marked by honest discussion and dialogue. You need a friend who is willing to lovingly tell you what you may not want to, but yet need to hear. Wise relationships are marked by dependability. There is nothing more deflating than counting on someone to be there for you and they are a no-show. Wise relationships are marked by making one another stronger. We are told in Proverbs to sharpen one another. Giving and receiving wise counsel makes us stronger. 


Day 1       Proverbs 27:5-6, 9-10; 19:20; Galatians 6:2 

Reflect: Why does God value friendship? What do you learn about friendship? Based on these verses, what do you think it means to be a friend?

Apply:   What differences have good friends made in your life? Who speaks God’s wisdom in your life? How willing are you to hear a friend’s rebuke or advice? To offer these to a friend? 

Pray:     Holy Spirit, bring faithful people into my life to mold, correct, encourage, instruct, and guide me in Your ways. Help me humbly bear correction as a blessing instead of resisting with defensiveness. Help me to be a faithful friend to honor You and point others to Jesus.


Day 2      Proverbs 19:4, 6-7; 16:28; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Job 6:14

Reflect: On what are friendships not to be based? What kinds of actions can destroy a friendship? Why do you think God addresses these issues in His Word? 

Apply:   What are some bad reasons you became friends with others? When has a friendship failed?  When have you participated in something that damaged a friendship? What resulted?

Pray:      Lord, I ask for discernment for developing healthy relationships and for courage and grace to let go of detrimental friendships. May my friendships be pleasing to You.


Day 3

Proverbs 27:17; 13:20; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Philippians 2:3-4; Acts 24:23 

Reflect: What is the primary teaching from these verses? What are the benefits of a spiritual friendship? What role does humility play in a friendship and what does it look like?    

Apply:   Close friends are loyal, encouraging, and honest. How have these qualities been expressed in your friendships? Why do you think many people do not have close friends?

Pray:      Father, You have created me with the need for companionship. I ask for Your wisdom and blessing as I seek other believers to strengthen and encourage me. Please help me to be the friend to bless, encourage and support others as well.


Day 4      Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; 17:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; John 15:12-14

Reflect: What is at the core of a great friendship? How can friendships further God’s kingdom? How is being a friend of Jesus the same or different than being the friend of another person? 

Apply:   Generally speaking, how happy are you with your friendships? If you could make one change in your friendships, what would it be? Why? How good of a friend are you to others? 

Pray:     Father, thank You for calling me into Your family. Fill me with Your Spirit as I seek to enter into meaningful friendships and learn to be a more sacrificial and loving blessing to others.


Day 5      Proverbs 12:26; 22:24-25; Deuteronomy 13:6-11; 2 Corinthians 6:14-15

Reflect: How would you summarize theses teachings about friendships? How much do your friends’ opinions, values and thoughts influence your own? 

Apply:   Do your friends share your faith and values? When have you encountered conflict in a friendship? What does friendship require when letting go of friends? Have you done this? 

Pray:      Lord, help me to choose my friends and acquaintances wisely. Direct me in choosing with whom to engage in close, personal relationships. May all I say and do be to Your praise and glory.


Put It Into Practice!

Week 4: Right Friendships

God uses friendships as an instrument of sanctification, so it is important for you to choose your friends carefully.  It is also important for you to work on being the kind of friend that you want God to bless you with. Evaluate your friendships through the eyes of the Lord. What necessary changes do you need to make in the way you love them? Ask forgiveness for any wrong you committed against them. Share your gratitude with friends for how they have blessed you.