The Scarred Life of a Samaritan Woman April 17-21
A Samaritan woman goes to the well in the heat of the day to avoid running into others who will look on her as a tainted woman. Jesus willingly meets with her, and filled with His acceptance, she runs to others to spread the good news. It must have taken boldness and courage for her to stand in her town as an outcast, ashamed and despised, to share the Gospel. But she was a changed woman, Her wounds were healed. This wasn’t about her anymore; what mattered was that people’s souls would be saved. Her scarred past and redeemed future became the catalyst for many others to become believers. We all need to be brave to share how God has forgiven our sins and restored us to right relationship with Him.
Day 1 John 4:4-42
Reflect: What do you learn from Jesus? How would you describe the woman’s “scars”? What healing did she receive? Why do you think she went to share with others?
Apply: Regarding sin in in your life, what truths has Jesus revealed to you? What happened as a result? What more does He want you to know about yourself? About who He is?
Pray: Jesus, thank You that You sought me out when I was dead in my sins and poured Your living water into my weary soul. May living water flow out of me to others who are in need of love and Your forgiveness.
Day 2 Luke 5:18-26
Reflect: How would you describe the “scars” of the paralyzed man? Why do you think forgiveness came before physical healing? What is Jesus teaching us through this text?
Apply: How has the forgiveness of Jesus helped to heal you? How have others helped, or are still helping, in your journey to freedom and wholeness in Christ? Who have you helped?
Pray: Jesus, thank You that we can be healed of our sins and sicknesses by Your forgiveness and healing power. When I have felt paralyzed by my situation, others lifted me to You for healing. Likewise, help me be a compassionate friend to help others come to You.
Day 3 Luke 19:1-10
Reflect: How would you describe the “scars” of Zacchaeus? How and why was he healed? What was his testimony to his healing? How do you think it was received?
Apply: Where do you fall “short” in seeing Jesus? What measures have you taken to see and get to know Him? How has an encounter with Jesus changed something in your life?
Pray: Jesus, like Zacchaeus, there are times I want to see You from a safe distance. And yet You come and call me by name, to forgive me and change my heart and relationships through Your grace and liberating love. This is amazing grace!
Day 4 Psalm 103:8-12
Reflect: What brings you the most comfort or peace from these verses? Why? What is our position before the Lord? Why? How does this speak to our sin and woundedness?
Apply: How would you personalize this psalm? What examples would you include to show His kindness and goodness to you? Who needs to hear this from you? Will you share it?
Pray: Father, You have pardoned and healed me, forgiven and redeemed me. All that I have, and am, and ever hope to be, rests only on the merit of the Lord Jesus Who gave His life for me that I might live my life in Him.
Day 5 Psalm 130:1-8
Reflect: What do you think was the motivation for this psalm? Which stanza means the most to you? Based on this psalm, what is our posture to be before the Lord? Why?
Apply: For what are you currently crying out to the Lord? For what are you waiting and watching? How do you imagine Him responding? Why?
Pray: Lord, audibly I call on Your name, which is mighty to save. At Your feet, I lay down my failures, concerns, and the deepest longings of my heart, knowing that You hear me.
Put It Into Practice!
Week 2: The Scarred Life of a Samaritan Woman
Jesus loves spending time with you! He is never too busy to stop, sit and talk with you, like He did with the woman at the well. Be open to how Jesus wants to minister to your heart as you meet with Him this week. Perhaps He simply wants to tell you you’re doing okay. Maybe He wants you to know He sees your hidden sin, forgives you, and loves you still. Maybe He wants to quench your thirsty heart. Allow Him to say and do what He wants and then ask Him with whom He wants you to share it, someone who needs to hear the same messages.